
【作者】 斯华敏; 刘文真; 付亚萍; 孙宗修; 胡国成;

【Author】 SI Hua-min,LIU Wen-zhen,FU Ya-ping,SUN Zong-xiu,HU Guo-cheng (State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology,China National Rice Research Institute,Hangzhou 310006,China)

【机构】 中国水稻研究所水稻生物学国家重点实验室;

【摘要】 我国两系杂交水稻发展迅猛,截止到2010年年底,共有427个两系杂交组合通过了省级或国家新品种审定,其中通过国家新品种审定的品种有62个。2005年至2011年,农业部冠名"超级稻"的83个品种中,两系杂交水稻占17个。据农业部全国农作物主要品种推广情况统计表的统计资料,1993年到2009年共有121个两系组合年推广面积达到或者超过6 700hm2,累计推广面积达到2097.4万hm2(3.15亿亩)。2002年两优培九的推广面积达到82.5万hm2,荣登全国杂交水稻推广面积的榜首。此后7年,两系杂交水稻组合的种植面积6次位居第一,1次位居第二。目前两系杂交水稻占全国杂交水稻总面积的20%左右,已经成为我国水稻生产中不可或缺的类型,在保障粮食安全中发挥了重要作用。介绍了我国两系杂交水稻的现状,分析了存在的主要问题,提出了进一步发展的建议。 

【Abstract】 Great progress has made in Two-line hybrid rice breeding in China.Up to 2010,a total of 427 two-line hybrid binations were registered in China.Among them,62 were nationally registered and titled as "super rice" by the Ministry of Agriculture,China.From 1993 to 2009,there were 121 binations with the planting area over 6 700 hm2,and the total planting area reached 20.974 million hm2.With the planting area of 8.25×105 hm2 in 2002,Liangyoupeijiu ranked first among all hybrid binations in pl... 更多

【关键词】 两系杂交水稻; 推广面积; 超级稻; 
【Key words】 two-line hybrid rice; planting area; super rice; 
【基金】 浙江省8812计划资助项目(2007C12901)

