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Man vs. Wild

2021-06-17 16:59图书库 人已围观

Man vs. Wild


作者: Bear Grylls
出版社: Hyperion
副标题: Survival Techniques from the Most Dangerous Places on Earth
出版年: 2008-4-29
页数: 256
定价: USD 26.99
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781401322939


In Man vs. Wild , Bear Grylls demonstrates all manner of survival techniques when faced with nature's extremes--from crossing piranha-infested rivers to fighting off grizzly bears. He shows us how, armed with the correct know-how and a determination to stay alive, all of us have the potential to beat the elements in even the bleakest of situations. Bear Grylls is the ultimate...


贝尔•格里尔斯(Bear Grylls),现代的终极探险家、前特种部队战士、空手道黑带高手、热爱向高度挑战的登山者。曾在英国特种部队(British Special Forces)的21空降特勤团(21 SAS)待过三年,后来在一次近乎致命的空降意外中背部断裂三处,才忍痛离开特种部队。二年后,格里尔斯追寻着儿时梦想,成为最年轻的登山家之一,成功征服了珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰。现在则在DISCOVERY频道,担任「荒野求生」影集的演出人。


◎1998年5月26日,以「登上珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰之最年轻者」(23岁),跃登《金氏世界纪录》(The Guinness Book of Records)。




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