
【作者】 李廷亮; 谢英荷; 任苗苗; 邓树元; 单杰; 雷震宇; 洪坚平; 王朝辉;

【Author】 LI Tingliang1,XIE Yinghe1,*,REN Miaomiao1,DENG Shuyuan2,SHAN Jie2,LEI Zhenyu3,HONG Jianping1,WANG Zhaohui4 1 College of Resources and Environmental,Shanxi Agriculture University,Taigu 030801,China 2 Xiangfen Soil and Fertilizer Station,Xiangfen041500,China 3 Linfen Soil and Fertilizer Station,Linfen 041000,China 4 College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University,Yangling 712100,China

【机构】 山西农业大学资源与环境学院; 山西省襄汾县土肥站; 山西省临汾市土肥站; 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院;

【摘要】 通过大田试验研究了施肥和覆膜垄沟种植对旱地冬小麦群体动态、产量构成及水氮利用的影响。结果表明,覆膜垄沟种植和追肥处理可显著提高旱地冬小麦穗数,追肥处理可减少后期无效分蘖;覆膜垄沟种植和追肥处理产量分别比农户模式提高了11.73%和13.91%,穗数和穗粒数是其产量提高的关键因素;覆膜垄沟种植方式可减少土壤水分损耗,水分利用率为11.60kg.hm-.2mm-1,显著高于其他处理;追肥处理能有效促进小麦生育中后期对氮素的吸收利用,在基施氮量165 kg/hm2上再追肥30 kg/hm2,地上部分吸氮总量增加15.45 kg/hm2,追肥氮的利用率显著高于底肥氮利用率,为51.5%。 

【Abstract】 Water and nutrient are the major restriction factors for growth and development of winter wheat on dryland.Therefore,it is of great importance to study water-fertilizer interaction effects under the conditions of natural precipitation for increasing winter wheat yield,fertilizer utilization,soil productivity and improving soil structure on dryland.However,the water-fertilizer interaction effects were not only the coordination in quantity,but also closely related to crop growth stages.Meanwhile,i... 更多

【关键词】 旱地; 冬小麦; 覆膜垄沟种植; 追肥; 产量; 水氮利用率; 
【Key words】 dry land; winter wheat; plastic film mulched ridge-furrow cultivation; top dressing; yield; water and nitrogenous utilization efficiency; 
【基金】 国家“十一五”支撑计划项目(2008BADA4B09);“国家小麦现代产业技术体系建设专项经费”资助

