
【作者】 毛树春;

【Author】 MAO Shu-Chun(Cotton Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Key Laboratory of Cotton Geic Improvement,Ministry of Agriculture,Anyang,Henan 455000,China)

【机构】 中国农业科学院棉花研究所农业部棉花遗传改良重点开放实验室 河南安阳455000;

【摘要】 耕作栽培学科紧密围绕棉花高产优质高效,面向全国开展棉花栽培试验研究、经验总结和生产服务,在棉花生产区域划分、麦棉两熟种植、棉花需水和棉田灌溉、棉花营养和施肥、盐碱地植棉、育苗移栽、地膜覆盖、化学和农艺调控、合理密植、模拟决策支持和监测预警信息等方面取得新进展,在科技兴棉中发挥积极作用,促进棉花增产,棉农增效,品质改良,丰富和发展了棉花栽培理论,取得一批技术成果和专利,其中一些领域居国内外同类研究的领先水平。近10年,又从产中科学化向产前信息化和产后市场化延伸,棉花生产现代化技术也初见端倪,促进棉花产量、质量和效益再上新台阶。

【Abstract】 The discipline of cotton culture and tillage was one preeminent subject.It was generally approved in practices that the cultural technology shared 35 percents in the yield increasing.In the past half century,cotton culture and tillage carried on experiment and research,practices summing-up and service of cotton culture in the whole country,closely around high yield,good quality,and high efficiency of cotton producing.It achieved new progress in geographic division of cotton producing,wheat-cotto... 更多
【关键词】 棉花; 栽培; 耕作; 技术; 应用;
【Key words】 Cotton; Cultivation; Tillage; Technology; application;
【基金】 科技部公益基金项目(2005DIB4J046);财政部科研院所长基金(SJA0609)项目资助

