黄海绿潮浒苔(Enteromorpha prolifera)生活史的初步研究

【作者】 叶乃好; 张晓雯; 毛玉泽; 庄志猛; 王清印;

【Author】 YE Nai-hao,ZHANG Xiao-wen,MAO Yu-ze,ZHUANG Zhi-meng,Wang Qingyin (Yellow Sea Fisheries Reseach Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Qingdao 266071,China)

【机构】 中国水产科学院黄海水产研究所;

【摘要】 实验室条件下对2008年6月黄海中南部海域暴发的绿潮浒苔(Enteromorpha prolifera)样品进行培养,观察记录绿潮浒苔生活史不同世代的生长发育情况。结果显示,成熟藻体释放出的雌、雄配子结合后固着,随后发育形成新个体;刚释放出的孢子具有聚集生长的趋势,随后发育形成具有假根和叶状体分化的新个体;在生长衰败期,部分藻体体细胞发生明显变化,细胞膨胀后发生分裂,发育形成新个体并能在死去的藻体上附着生长;培养的叶状体片段两端迅速愈合,并显示生长极性,两端分别形成叶状体和假根。后两种单性生殖方式目前尚未见公开报道。

【Abstract】 Green tide is one of the major environmental problems over the world. Ulva and Enteromorpha are two of the best known marine green alga genera which responsible for widespread green tides. They widely distribute in marine,freshwater and brackish environments throughout the world. Approximately 80 species are now included in Enteromorpha genera, of which only 11 species are currently recognized in China. A large-scale Enteromorpha prolifera-forming green tide broke out in the middle and south are... 更多
【关键词】 浒苔; 生活史; 配子; 孢子; 体细胞; 叶状体片段;
【Key words】 Enteromorpha prolifera; life history,gametes; spores; somatic cells; segments of thallus;
【基金】 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40706050,40706048);国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD01A13);国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2006AA10Z414).

