
【作者】 肖俊夫; 刘战东; 陈玉民;

【Author】 XIAO Jun-fu, LIU Zhan-dong, CHEN Yu-min(Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xinxiang 453003, China)

【机构】 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所;

【摘要】 中国春玉米需水量变化在400~700mm,自东向西逐渐增加,低值区在东部牡丹江一带,高值区在新疆哈密一带。夏玉米需水量变化在350~400mm,济南附近为高值区;春玉米需水高峰期为7月中旬至8月上旬,即拔节-抽穗阶段,日耗水量达4.5~7.0mm/d。夏玉米需水高峰期为7月中下旬至8月上旬,同样在拔节-抽穗阶段,日耗水量达5.0~7.0mm/d。春玉米和夏玉米生长期棵间蒸发量分别占需水量的50%和40%。

【Abstract】 Water requirement of spring maize has changed in the range of 400 - 700 mm in China, and it gradually increases from east to the west. The lowest value exists on the eastern area of mudanjiang river, and the highest value exists on the eastern Xinjiang area, water requirement of summer maize has changed in the range of 350 - 400 mm in China, which the highest value exists nearby Jinan. The peak period of spring maize water need is from the middle of July to the beginning of August, that is from ... 更多
【关键词】 玉米; 需水量; 需水规律; 水分生产函数;
【Key words】 Maize; Water requirement; Water requirement regulation; Water production function;
【基金】 国家“863”项目“主要作物高效用水生理调控与非充分灌溉”(2002AA2Z4031)

